Cacao Blog
Get in touch with your higher self with Ritual Cacao
The Higher Self is NOT a perfect, but a REAL version of you. Find out how you can get closer to your true self with the help of Cacao...
An Imbolc Cacao Ritual - In contact with your higher self
On the 1st/2nd February is the annual festival Imbolc. With this cacao ritual we invite you to come into contact with your higher self, your true self...
With cacao rituals through the wheel of the year
Find out why it is so wonderful to perceive and use the qualities of the annual celebrations and how Cacao can accompany and support you...
Cacao for more grounding and a strong root chakra
Find out what influence a strong foundation has on your life and what you can do to create this stable foundation and strengthen your roots...
Meeting at heart level - cacao ritual at Christmas
Give your loved ones time and contact at heart level for Christmas ♥ We invite you to a guided Christmas cacao ritual...
A Yule Cacao Ritual for the Winter Solstice
December 21st is the longest night of the year. Symbolically, it is the perfect time to return to light and hope.
The Power of Rauhnächte with Ritual Cacao
With these 14 rituals we would like to invite you to consciously celebrate the magical time of the rough nights between the years (25.12. - 05.01.)...
The path of dying and letting go towards a deeper life
This month we would like to consciously deal with the topic of "letting go & death" and invite you to do the same. Helpful impulses, journaling questions and a cacao ritual await you...
Know your vision and live it with the power of cacao
We would like to invite you to find your very own personal vision of life that truly comes from your heart and your highest self. To do this, we will give you valuable inspiration, tips and a cacao...
Ritual Cacao: Natural secret for your intestinal flora & female cycle
In her guest article, Eva-Maria Kölker shares how raw cacao promotes intestinal health and what special benefits it brings for women during their cycle...
A Samhain ritual - On the soul path with your ancestors
The walls between worlds are thinning. The unseen becomes visible. It's the perfect time to connect with your ancestors and clairvoyant abilities.
Why Ritual Cacao embodies fullness for us
In our society, which is often characterized by hectic pace and a lack of thinking, Cacao invites us to delve into our deepest consciousness and discover the true essence of abundance within us...
Discounts and real value of
For us, discounts only on special occasions is a conscious step against the widespread, toxic discount culture & FOR a healthy shopping environment and an honest & long-term relationship wi...
OUR FLOW CACAO - Inner balance, enjoyment & planting cacao trees
Our new FLOW CACAO has moved into our shop! Find out more about where the new, delicious cacao comes from and why it combines ecological responsibility with personal well-being...
With clarity and structure to more freedom and creativity in your life
With the help of healthy structures and clarity, create a life that allows you to progress on your heart's path and at the same time gives you incredible freedom to enjoy and BEING...
A Mabon Cacao Ritual for the Autumnal Equinox
On September 22, we celebrate Mabon & the autumnal equinox. We invite you to celebrate this special time with a cacao ritual...
What are the 7 chakras and how can you balance them?
Find out how the 7 chakras influence our body, mind and soul, which chakra represents which issues on a psychological and physical level and how we can balance them...
How to invite more fullness and vitality into your life
As in nature, fullness and wealth are also our natural state. Find out how you can invite more fullness inside and out into your life with our tips and journaling questions...
Why we adjusted our prices
Rising raw material prices, effects of climate change, higher import costs... It is important to us to adjust our prices fairly for everyone and to continue to support cacao farmers with 5% of sales.
Our spice blends for your unique cacao experience
Let yourself be transported into the magical world of our Cacao spices ♥ Find out more about our 3 spice blends, their special ingredients and effects...
Cacao ritual at Lughnasadh and Lammas
On August 1st we celebrate the annual circle festival & 1st harvest festival Lughnasadh. We want to use this opportunity to invite, accept and celebrate the fullness of life in a cacao ritual...
Strengthen your intuition and inner wisdom with Ritual Cacao
Nowadays, we often lack the connection to our inner voice. Find out how you can strengthen your intuition with a cacao ritual & journaling questions and what role the brow chakra plays in this...
A Litha Cacao ritual for the summer solstice
On June 21st we celebrate the Summer Solstice & Litha. Let's use this special occasion to go into deep gratitude & appreciation...
Let go with Ritual Cacao in gratitude & love
Those who learn to forgive and let go with gratitude and love go through life more freely and easily. Find out why forgiveness is always for you and which journaling questions can help you...
Friendship & Love: Strengthen mindful relationships with Ritual Cacao
Friendship and love are such an important topic in our lives ♥ Find out how you can strengthen and deepen your relationship with a heart-opening cacao ritual...
Walpurgis Night - A Powerful Beltane Ritual
On the night of May 1st we celebrate Beltane and Walpurigsnacht. We invite you to celebrate this special night with a powerful cacao ritual...
Discovering Tantra: Understanding the diversity and beauty of sexual energy
Silja Janina shares with us her valuable perspective on this exciting field of sexual energy. Find out how it is life energy & drive and can be used for creativity or healing...
The wonderful power of heart opening with Ritual Cacao
Heart opening is such a wonderful topic ♥ Find out how you can strengthen the connection to your heart and your heart chakra and which journaling questions can support you...
Happy Valentine's Day - Open your heart to connection & goodwill
It doesn't matter whether you like Valentine's Day or not. We invite you to make it “yours” and open your heart ♥ to all the diversity...
Welcome to 2024 - Let your light shine
We wish you a wonderful & strong year 2024. May the universe support you with everything that makes your light grow and shine...