Aloha, we have adjusted our prices. We think you should know the reasons behind this because transparency is very important to us.
Prices for cacao are rising
In the last 12 months, cacao prices have risen sharply around the world. Imagine, the price of cacao has gone up by as much as 300% in some places! That's really crazy and makes it difficult for us to get costs under control.
Climate change and its effects
The main reason for this price increase is the impact of climate change on farmers. Droughts and heavy rains have ruined many harvests and severely limited the availability of cacao. These extreme weather conditions pose huge challenges for farmers and are driving prices even higher.
Higher costs for import, processing and shipping
Not only have raw materials become more expensive, but so have imports and operating materials. We are doing everything we can to be as efficient as possible, but unfortunately we cannot do so without raising prices.
Same price for all cacao varieties
We want you to choose your cacao based on the effect of the variety and not on the price. That's why we decided to charge the same price for all varieties - regardless of whether they are more expensive or cheaper to buy or process. This way you can always enjoy your favorite cacao without worrying about price differences.

Support for cacao farmers
And something else important: With the price increase, more money stays with the cacao farmers. As you may know, we donate an additional 5% of our turnover from cacao sales directly to the farmers. Despite the increased costs, we do not want to cut this support, but rather maintain it. The farmers look after the legacy of the cacao trees and earn more than fair wages.
We hope you understand why we have taken this step and that you will continue to stay loyal to us. Only together can we ensure that our cacao can continue to be offered in the usual quality and under fair conditions.
Thank you for your trust!
Warm regards, your team from