Discounts and real value of

Discounts and real value of has set out to share original and heart-opening cacaos with you and enjoy them in healing spaces. A change towards a loving and compassionate world begins within us - in our feelings, thoughts and actions. For us as a “spiritual shop” it is also important to create a healthy shopping environment for you. And so the decision to only use discounts on special occasions is, for us, a conscious step against the widespread, toxic discount culture.

Discounts have a similar effect on the human brain as a dose of cocaine - according to a study by Stanford University . Discounts stimulate the reward center and create a feeling of euphoria. This results in the “pain” of spending money being dulled and higher prices being able to be sold. stands for a connection at heart level and for us this is measured by a trusting and benevolent relationship - between the farmers, the community and the customers.

We sincerely desire an honest and long-term relationship with our customers. Frequent discounts, on the other hand, promote a short-term mindset that can prioritize quick deals over sustainable relationships. At the same time, in a world flooded with constant discounts, the expectation develops that purchases can be made at ever cheaper prices, which makes the actual value of a product, its quality and special features take a back seat. You may wait to make a purchase until a discount is offered, creating an unhealthy cycle of anticipation and disappointment. It is important to us that you value our cacaos and rituals because of their effect, intention and quality and not because of a reduced price.

We want a long-term and trusting relationship with you. You should feel seen at and feel comfortable with us and know that you are not just buying a product, but real value. And of course, we will always have discount campaigns from time to time, but on special occasions.

Greetings from the heart, Felix