OUR FLOW CACAO - Inner balance, enjoyment & planting cacao trees

OUR FLOW CACAO - Inner balance, enjoyment & planting cacao trees


We are so happy to finally be able to offer you our FLOW CACAO . This fine cacao comes from Nicaragua and is part of a tree planting project by Ecosia.org and the local NicaVerde project. This cacao is not only delicious - it combines ecological responsibility with your personal well-being.

Ecosia - The search engine that plants trees

If you don't know Ecosia yet: Ecosia is a search engine that uses revenue from advertising to plant trees around the world - including cacao trees 🤎 With your searches, you can support Ecosia in planting trees around the world - in places that are particularly affected by deforestation and climate change. Ecosia has already planted over 210 million trees worldwide and is committed to regions that urgently need ecological restoration.

One of these tree planting projects is located in Nicaragua – the country of origin of our FLOW CACAO – and this is where the story of this special cacao that you can now enjoy begins.

NicaVerde - Reforestation and sustainable cacao cultivation

The tree planting project in Nicaragua , where our FLOW CACAO is grown, is part of the NicaVerde initiative, which promotes sustainable and ecological agriculture in Nicaragua. Especially in the last few decades, deforestation and unsustainable cultivation methods have placed a heavy burden on the land, which has unfortunately led to erosion, loss of biodiversity and poor agricultural yields.

NicaVerde's goal is to reverse this trend and restore nature through reforestation and sustainable farming methods while providing farmers with a livelihood. In collaboration with local communities, NicaVerde not only plants trees but also imparts knowledge about sustainable farming and agroforestry practices. This means that cacao is grown in mixed crops that not only improve the soil but also promote biodiversity.

This type of cultivation regenerates the earth, and at the same time the cacao and tree planting projects create long-term sources of income for the farmers in Nicaragua. When you buy our FLOW CACAO, you are directly supporting this mission, because 5% of our income from this cacao goes to the NicaVerde project.


Finest Criollo Cacao for inner balance

The cacao that you enjoy in every cup of FLOW CACAO is of the Criollo variety, one of the finest and rarest cacao varieties in the world. This cacao has an incomparable, delicious aroma of hazelnuts and is particularly velvety in the mouth. That's why we like to drink FLOW CACAO neat, but the VANILLA BLISS spice mix also goes incredibly well with it. ;-) We recommend the cacao for gentle meditation, light movements and for inner balance. Go with Flow!

We love bringing cacao into the world and making its heart-opening effects accessible to as many people as possible! But our mission is inextricably linked to the millennia-old heritage of this plant and the people who grow it. We want to think in terms of solutions and give the word "we" more value and meaning. Because we are all connected - the cacao farmers, you and us.

Greetings from the heart, Felix