Cacao for more grounding and a strong root chakra

Why it's important to start at the bottom


In keeping with the beginning of the year, I would like to invite you to focus on your base, your foundation and your roots in the month of January. You will learn from me why you should always focus on your foundation, what influence a strong foundation has on your life (from an energetic and physical perspective) and what you can do to create this stable foundation.

Use Wintertime for Silence and Stability

Winter is not a time for grand new beginnings. It is a time for introspection, reflection, and gathering strength. As nature comes to rest, it offers us a valuable example: the rhythm of retreat and inner balance. In the stillness of winter, you have the opportunity to thoroughly reflect on which seeds you want to plant and which things you are ready to completely let go of.

Instead of hastily setting resolutions, invite winter to show you the way. Use this phase to pause, connect with yourself, and release what burdens you. True growth does not arise from the chaos of "doing more," even if our society tries to convince us otherwise, but rather from the space of mindful stillness. Here, you lay the stable foundation for everything that is meant to come into your life.

"Silence is a source of great strength." – Lao Tzu

Be mindful, give yourself time, and find your harmony with the energies of the season. By embracing this natural retreat, we live in harmony with nature. Plants and animals show us how important it is to regenerate in peace before spring arrives with fresh energy. Our mind and body also benefit from this cyclical rhythm, drawing new inspiration from it.

As the days grow longer again, your inner strength will also blossom with newfound clarity.

Always return to your roots

Only when we are connected to ourselves, our body and ultimately our inner roots can we grow upwards, reach for the stars, realize our wishes and vision and carry our strength and light outwards. Since the topic of roots, base and foundation is located in our root chakra from an energetic point of view, you can always connect with this energy center within you.

Where is the root chakra?

Your root chakra is located in the pelvic floor area, between the sit bones, pubic bone and tailbone. The topics of security, basic trust, stability and vitality are located at this place on a subtle level. As you may have noticed, these are all topics that ensure our human survival and play an important role in everything in our lives - no matter what area of ​​life it is. And maybe you’ve heard something about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? There is no point in pursuing your spiritual growth if your basic needs, such as adequate sleep and healthy nutrition, are not met.

Root Chakra: Color, Mantra, Element, Animals, Sensory Function, Affirmation, Topics

Create a stable foundation for yourself in everyday life

Imagine you are a tree. And this tree begins to grow from its roots, little by little, towards the sky. Here you can ask yourself the question: What do my roots need so that they can support my tree crown strongly and safely? First of all, start with your basic needs in everyday life. Check in with yourself every now and then, no matter how simple it may sound, and ask yourself: What do I need in this moment to feel safe and connected to myself? Maybe it's a few deep breaths into your heart, a walk in nature, or a hug from yourself or a loved one.

Concrete tips for strengthening your root chakra

Since cacao , as you may know, has a grounding effect, it is a wonderful everyday companion to give you a break and strengthen your root chakra in a small cacao ritual. As you drink the cacao, imagine how, with every sip, roots of light grow from your tailbone into the earth and how you are safe and held by the cacao medicine and Mother Earth. Cacao medicine is often lovingly called “Mama Cacao.” To invite this nurturing and supportive energy, you might consider saying a short prayer for Mother Earth, calling upon her, or setting the intention to connect with her maternal energy and allow yourself to be nourished by her.

What else strengthens your root chakra and thus your inner foundation in everyday life:

Go out into nature a lot, if possible barefoot

Explore what brings you a sense of safety and how you can invite more of it into your life—perhaps it’s daily routines, planning and foresight, clarifying conversations, health, or material resources.

Practice grounding meditations, for example, focusing on the root chakra, building trust in life, finding stability, or even ancestral healing.

Dedicate a weekend in January to silence, if possible, and turn fully inward.

Give your body plenty of warmth through sauna sessions or regular baths.

Eat lots of root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, parsnips, etc.)

Massage your feet e.g. B. with sesame oil (stimulates blood circulation and grounds at the same time)

Use spices such as turmeric, ginger and cinnamon (you can also add these wonderfully to your Ritual Cacao)

Move your body as often as possible to connect with your humanity and your liveliness (feel free to use the Cacao & Yin Yoga ritual as instructions)

Mandala Wurzelchakra

I really hope that the suggestions and tips can help you build a secure and stable foundation for 2025.

Greetings from the heart, Leni