
What happens during a cacao ritual?

We get asked that a lot. Our answer to that is - it varies, because it depends...

Caribbean, Kuna Indians & 5 cups of cacao a day

As the Harvard Medical School study has shown, it is the high consumption of cacao that keeps the Kuna Indians fit and healthy. Because the kuna have..

My way to heart business - podcast

In the current episode of "STOP the podcast" I tell you about my way from the 9 to 5 job to my heart business with cacao.

Woman Circle - guest post by Rebeca & Luise

What happens in such circles and how cacao finds its place there, you will find out in the following reports from two wonderful women...

Cacao farmers take responsibility. Us too!

Farming families have joined together to form a cooperative in order to take on social responsibility. Corporations don't stand a chance here...

Fasting with cacao - a field report

At the beginning of the year we met Frank, who has tried fasting with cacao and has also been working with ritual cacao for years. Cacao is a superfood and has an abundance of the most valuable nu...

Cacao, Kakawa, Chocolatl, Chocolate & Kakao

Cacao was cultivated by the Olmec more than 3500 years ago. About 1000 years later, the Mayas also discovered this miracle plant for themselves...