How to invite more fullness and vitality into your life

How to invite more fullness and vitality into your life


Nature is the pure expression of fullness. It reminds us that fullness is also OUR natural state. That's why it's so good to be outside. We feel charged, fulfilled and content because that's exactly what nature gives us.

We invite you to go outside as much as possible this month and to perceive the beauty there with open eyes and an open heart. Consciously come into contact with other people, slow down and enjoy your walks and see what you are grateful for. Invite fullness into your life and allow your system to receive it. Fullness means something different to everyone. We are talking about inner and outer fullness here. Everything that makes you feel alive and fulfilled can come back into focus.

Fullness is our natural state

The feeling of lack - of not having enough - is very common: I haven't slept enough, I don't have enough time, I don't have enough money, etc. Thoughts that we are all familiar with. The constant focus on what isn't there or what is too little keeps us in a state of lack. Just like the belief that fullness, love and wealth are limited. So we are always competing with each other or withdrawing because we don't want to take anything away from others.

But what if we open ourselves to the idea that we are part of nature - part of a greater whole and that fullness is therefore our natural state. The more we allow ourselves these thoughts and feelings, the more inner and outer fullness we can experience in this life.

Fullness and wealth begins within you

Fullness and wealth are like everything else, it starts with YOU. You can explore which beliefs are deeply rooted in you on this topic. For example, you might feel guilty if you are “doing too well” because so many people are not doing so well. But are these people better off if you limit your own fullness? Or wouldn’t you perhaps be an even greater gift to this world if you were in fullness and in your power? You could then be more there for people you love, support things you believe in and much more.

When we humans are really doing well, we are not selfish. As I said, our natural state is fullness and we want to share this with others. The great thing about it is that the more unconditionally we can give, the more we can receive. The more we are happy for others and celebrate their successes with them, the more successful we can become ourselves.

The trick of the ego, which still makes us believe in the game of winners and losers, of perpetrators and victims, does not work when we recognize who and what we really are: infinity, love and pure fullness.

How can we practically open ourselves even more to the fullness within us?

Invite abundance 7 practical tips for more fullness inside and out

Mudita (Buddhist) is the opposite of schadenfreude. It means rejoicing with others.

Practice gratitude by writing down what you were grateful for every night or speaking what you are grateful for into your food. Your system will look for things to be grateful for throughout the day and you will attract so much more of them into your life.

Give money, time and/or attention without expecting anything in return.

Do an fullness cacao ritual such as our Lughnasadh ritual “ Inviting the fullness of Life ”.

Accept gifts, time, compliments with an open heart, without giving anything back. When we receive something, sometimes our first reaction is, "Oh, I have to say something nice too or what can I give this person in return." Learn to receive purely.

Go out into nature, without your cell phone, without music. Take in the beauty. Walk slowly and absorb the fullness of nature.

Spend ⅓ of your time with people or things where you give unconditionally, ⅓ in exchange, and ⅓ with people or things where you receive/take.

Above all, however, it is important that you look at your deep-seated beliefs about fullness and wealth and also deal with your self-worth and self-love.

The tips above can help you, but at the same time it is often important to get to the root of the problem. For example, many people still think that they can't earn money doing what they really enjoy doing. This often comes from the thought process of: I have to achieve to be loved - I have to be worth it - so if I enjoy it, it is not an achievement/work, so I can't take money for it.

Journaling questions about fullness

To delve even deeper into your inner self, you can take your journal and answer the following journaling questions:

Where in my life do I feel guilty?

What do I believe about wealth?

Where can I be more generous in my life?

Why does the world become a better place when I live in fullness?

Fullness awareness is not something you learn, but rather your natural state that you remember. With this in mind, I wish you from the bottom of my heart that you continue to remember what you really are and that you deserve all the fullness in the world.

With Love, Leni

PS On August 1st we celebrate the annual festival Lughnasadh with the Cacao ritual “ Inviting the fullness of life ”. I give you instructions for this in the blog. And of course you can do this fullness ritual at any time.