Today I would like to give you a little insight into a powerful personal development tool - journaling. what are the advantages? How can you easily integrate it into your everyday life? And which questions can you use for daily journaling or journaling as part of a ritual?
What exactly is journaling?
When we journal, we consciously come into contact with the magic of our inner world. Through mindful writing, we open access to our subconscious and thus get answers to questions about ourselves and thereby get to know ourselves better.
Maybe you used to keep a diary and process your impressions, emotions and experiences. It's similar with journaling, but the focus is less on external events and more on your internal feelings. When you write, you consciously engage with yourself and explore how you want to live and how you don't want to live. You gain clarity about what is important to you and how you can align your life according to your wants, needs and values. Journaling can also help you get to the bottom of your inner blocks (such as fears) that may be preventing you from creating the life you want.
Benefits of journaling
❉ You get to know yourself better and how to sort and process your thoughts, feelings and experiences.
❉ Journaling is time just for you! It gives you a stable routine as a safe anchor in everyday life, no matter how turbulent it sometimes is outside.
❉ You get in touch with your subconscious and can better deal with inner blockages, shadows, fears and doubts.
❉ Journaling can help you manifest desires and visions for your life.
❉ You learn more and more what your truth is and what belief patterns you have adopted from others.
❉ When journaling, you can consciously align your focus positively.
How do I journal?
All you need to journal is a blank notebook, a pen and 5-20 minutes of your time every day. I recommend journaling for 5-10 minutes every morning and evening. By writing in the morning you can consciously prepare yourself for a new day and set intentions about how you want to experience this day. In the evening you can write down the experiences and your emotions at the end of the day in order to clarify your thoughts before you fall asleep.
7 tips and suggestions for journaling
Every day, write down 3-5 things that you are truly grateful for in your life that day. As you write, consciously feel a sense of appreciation for these things/people in your life.
Write down your heart's desires and visions for your life. Also write down what you need to achieve these goals (e.g. What are the next steps for this?). Create a roadmap to your heart's vision.
Write down every morning how you feel today and what your needs are today and how you can integrate them into your day (e.g. the need for closeness and peace).
Optionally, write down your dreams every morning and how you interpret them. When we sleep, our subconscious processes our emotions and experiences in the form of images and sometimes there are many hidden messages for us.
Start your day by writing down an intention such as "I will take care of myself and my needs today." This intention accompanies you throughout the day like a kind of anchor.
Every evening, write down your successes or what you were proud of yourself that day. No matter how small or big the success is. E.g. "I'm proud of myself today for going for a walk during my lunch break."
Ask yourself specific questions and let the answer come intuitively as you write.
Journaling questions
❉ What or who is currently giving me energy in my life and what is more likely to rob me of energy?
❉ What 10 things do I particularly like about myself and what am I proud of? (Internal and external factors)
❉ What is important to me in life and what values do I want to live by?
❉ What heartfelt desires and visions do I have and how can I make them come true step by step?
❉ Which beliefs, fears and blockages are currently stopping me from these visions?
❉ When do I feel most connected to myself?

All of these questions or your answers to these questions give you a deeper insight into your inner world. Happy journaling!
Kind regards, Sarah from the team