If you want NOTHING, you will get EVERYTHING

What do I really want from life?
What am I here for?
what is my calling

Questions that you may have asked yourself in one way or another?! Maybe you already had one or the other answer, which you then doubted and rejected.

There are people who claim that we know exactly what we want and what each and every one of us is here for. You're just afraid of your own size.

When you don't feel fulfilled

A new thought came to me two days ago. What if it's not about the fear of failure or the fear of becoming great? What if you don't feel fulfilled and arrived, even though you know exactly what you want and what you're here for, go for it and are successful?

I think this is where the real fear is. You may know it from smaller situations in your life. You work towards a goal, you achieve it and still don't feel fulfilled or as good as you imagined.

And now imagine you achieve YOUR longed-for LIFE GOAL, live your calling and still feel empty? Then you no longer know what to work towards. Isn't it easier to say to yourself that you don't yet know what you really want, but you're sure to find it?!

What if the void is exactly what we're looking for? When we are allowed to learn to be with open questions and to enjoy this state.

You can progress on your heart path and at the same time enjoy not having arrived.

Invite the emptiness in you & appreciate it

I invite you to make yourself a cacao, snuggle up in your favorite place and put a hand on your heart. Close your eyes and invite the emptiness inside you. Imagine hugging her and appreciating her.

In the moment of acceptance all fears can go.
The moment you want nothing, you will get everything!

Greetings Leni