The 7 spiritual laws - effect & application

The 7 spiritual laws

The 7 spiritual laws

Law of spirituality
Law of correspondence
Law of vibration
Law of polarity
Law of rhythm
Law of cause & effect
Law of sex

There are not only physical laws that affect our lives, but also "laws" of the subtle level. These laws appear in various teachings such as B. Hermetics, which were already taught in ancient Greece. For me, this knowledge has caused many "aha moments" and opened up completely new doors for me. That's why I want to give you a little insight and explain how you can practically use this ancient knowledge for you and your everyday life. Let's start with the first spiritual law:

Law of spirituality

This law says that everything around you is consciousness. Everything in your life is made of energy. Thoughts are (still) subtle energy until they become gross energy, for example in the form of a house. Every thought - whether positive or negative - creates your reality. You have a great influence on the world around you with your thoughts. You are always creating, all the time, consciously or unconsciously. You can make wonderful use of this fact for yourself, for example through conscious manifestation. Check your thoughts every day and see what energy you are sending out and what you want to create with it.

Law of correspondence

"As above, so below; as below, so above." (The Kybalion)
This law says you attract what you put out. It is also known as the Law of Attraction or the Law of Mirrors. It says that your inner life reflects on the outside and your outer experiences in turn reinforce your inner image. You probably know that too. You have a good day, go out, smile at people and there are (almost) only friendly people on the street. You get on the train in a bad mood and only unfriendly people meet you. This is a small, short-term example. Our inner convictions usually build up over a long period of time and are often shaped by our childhood days.

How can you use this knowledge for yourself now? You can gain insights about your inner self, which you might not even perceive without the reflection of the outside. In addition, with this knowledge you can question your inner beliefs and even change them if necessary. Mahatma Gandhi's quote fits nicely here: "Be yourself the change you wish for in this world."

I changed that a bit to "Give yourself or others what you need right now." If you feel alone and want more attention and approval from your friend, give yourself that attention and give your friend a few loving words.

A little hint from my own experience: You shouldn't look for a problem within yourself with everything that happens on the outside. If someone looks at you strangely on the street, it doesn't immediately have anything to do with your inner attitude. However, if every day all sorts of people treat you badly, you should look inward and ask yourself what kind of image you created of yourself and those around you.

Law of vibration

This law builds on the first law. Everything in the universe is energy and moves at different frequencies and vibrations. you can feel it yourself Fear or anger, for example, vibrate in the abdominal region; Love, joy and gratitude vibrate higher. These vibrate at heart level. The law of vibration also says that each vibration creates a resonance field and attracts and receives the same frequency. The mirror law of the second day is also integrated into this. In addition, when everything vibrates, everything is in constant motion. Nothing is forever. No bad feelings either. It's not worth holding on to something too tightly. Everything arises and passes away, arises and passes away.

For me, the practical application of this law is not about trying to be in a good mood under pressure in order to keep a high vibration. It's much more about becoming aware of everything and observing yourself. It's totally okay to feel anger and sadness. Feel it through and then also let it go on knowing that nothing is forever. Feeling is important and right. Basking in your sorrow only leads to more sorrow. So feel what needs to be felt and then make a conscious decision to use another energy. This works particularly well if you think about what you are grateful for. What do you already have in your life that makes you happy?

You can also observe your inner voices here again and, if necessary, bring them to a higher frequency. Instead of "I want more money" (frequency of scarcity), you might say to yourself, "I am thankful that money comes to me and that I am in abundance." Or "I love this mindset. It's really cool the way it is right now and it can just get even hotter!" :-)

Law of polarity

Everything has two poles like day and night, hot and cold, light and dark. To us, they seem to be opposites. Ultimately, it's just the extremes of one and the same thing. It says that everything is always there at the same time and that we can decide which pole we are going to turn more to. All information and states are available to us at any time in the universe.

When you're sick, your healthy "me" is there too. You can consciously choose to turn more towards the pole of health. For example, if you feel sick or exhausted, realize that this is only part of the reality. If you want to go to the other pole of health, adjust your vibration by doing healthy things and taking care of yourself. In addition, you can consciously support this process with visualization by imagining how the healthy cells in your body multiply and become stronger and how your body regenerates.

Law of rhythm

Everything in the world has its rhythm: ebb and flow, inhalation and exhalation, day and night. This law reminds us that everything in our life always moves in a natural cycle. Nothing in nature always blooms, just as the phases in our lives have very different qualities. The 5th law thus connects the 3rd law of vibration with the 4th law of polarity. → So you can be confident that after a low there will always be a high. The universe knows when it's time for something.

Sometimes there's no point in pushing a little further and further if it's not the right time. It is important to have a rhythm in life. tension and relaxation. Create, create and just be. Find your own rhythm and respect it, even if it may be different than you would like. Ask your intuition and your heart what is really up to you right now. In our western society in particular, it is somehow still cool to be busy and busy and therefore also to be under tension. Of course, it can also be a lot of fun to push something forward. At the same time, it is important to see that this also has its time and that the phase of rest and relaxation is at least as important.

Another little tip: You can also synchronize with the rhythm of the moon and the seasons to bring a little more naturalness and simplicity into your life.

Law of cause & effect

Every cause has an effect. For me it's more exciting to turn it around, because we often first notice the effect and then think about what could be the reason. If there is an effect in your life that you are unhappy with, see if you can see where it started.

For example, if you suffer from back pain, ask yourself what it could be. Maybe you haven't exercised in the last few days because you felt unmotivated. It usually goes back even further. For example, you had a conversation with a friend who told you that you have to be careful with back exercises so as not to do more harm than good. As a result, an unconscious fear crept in, disguised as a lack of motivation. Talking to a friend = cause, back pain = effect.

The (impact) effects can often be felt years later. Here you can e.g. B. return to the starting point with hypnosis and meditation in order to recognize the cause and work on it if necessary. Some things are difficult to fix if you don't know what caused them. Then you only ever try to fight symptoms. However, your problem keeps coming back until you get to the core (cause).

The following saying also fits this law wonderfully: Sow what you want to reap! Become aware of your creative power and that all your thoughts and actions have an impact on your life and that of others. You can also ask yourself what can I do today (cause) to live my goal/vision (effect). We do things that are not necessarily in line with our desired effect and then we are surprised when the expected does not happen. However, if we are honest with ourselves and observe ourselves, what behaviors (cause) are responsible for our results (effect).

Law of sex

This law says that everything has both masculine energy and feminine energy. This is not about the physical gender of man and woman, but about the archetypal characteristics of the sexes. Male energy stands for thinking, focus, creative energy, control, etc. Female energy stands for intuition, devotion, creativity and trust, among other things.

It makes sense for every human being, whether male or female, to cultivate both energies. If you just connect and create with your masculine energy, you can feel tired and empty after a while. However, if you can keep both energies in harmony, a balance is created within you. For example, if you want to go your own way professionally, then don't just start a business, but make a heart business out of it! Because for the implementation you not only need "male" facts and figures, but above all creativity and dedication.

Observe in which activities you are more in which energy - in the male or in the female. This is beautiful and exciting at the same time to observe this in yourself. Ultimately, it's about recognizing these two parts in yourself and giving each part as much space as is important and right for you in a certain phase.

With Love, Leni

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