Forgiveness | AUDIO

Forgiveness | AUDIO

Sale price€25,00

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The length of the ritual is about 30 minutes.

"Forgiveness & Letting Go" ritual with Leni

The ritual of forgiving and letting go.

We forgive in order to be free, to open our hearts again and to live love. Forgiveness is always for YOU. With the help of the cacao plant we will go on a journey into our inner space in this guided meditation. There we can first get closer to ourselves by looking at our wounds and recognizing where we have not yet let go. Step by step we can forgive ourselves in order to give ourselves freedom and joy, to be able to be more ourselves again.

Then we forgive an outside situation or another person who caused us pain. Here we become aware of what has kept us from forgiving so far, what has kept us from giving ourselves this freedom and detachment.

The journey brings us very close to ourselves, helps us to look deeply and at the same time gives us a lot of support to feel protected with our own vulnerability.

Es wird empfohlen 3 Stunden vor dem Cacao Ritual nicht mehr zu essen und am Tag des Rituals keinen Kaffee zu sich zu nehmen. Suche dir dann deinen Wohlfühlplatz und mache es dir mit Kissen und Decken gemütlich. Schalte dein Handy aus und sorge dafür, dass du nicht gestört wirst.

Falls du Psychopharmaka oder andere Medikamente nimmst oder ernsthafte Herzprobleme hast, teile uns das UNBEDINGT mit. Wir besprechen dann mit dir, ob Ritual Cacao für dich geeignet ist.

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