Unborn Child | AUDIO

Unborn Child | AUDIO

Sale price€18,00

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The length of the ritual is about 30 minutes.

"Unborn Child" ritual with Leni

Get in touch with your unborn child inside you.

This meditation is for all women who already have a baby in their hearts and want to get in deeper connection with him.

It has been scientifically proven that children begin to perceive and get in touch with us in their stomachs.

In this journey we go into very mindful contact with the child in you. You can feel it and ask him/her questions. You can understand wants and needs and connect on a very deep level.

With this trip you strengthen the connection to your child even before it is born here. You get a sense of how it feels, how it will be and what it takes.

A very special experience for the transformative time of your pregnancy.

It is recommended to only do this meditation from the 12th week of pregnancy with a lower dose of cacao of approx. 15 - 20g.

Es wird empfohlen 3 Stunden vor dem Cacao Ritual nicht mehr zu essen und am Tag des Rituals keinen Kaffee zu sich zu nehmen. Suche dir dann deinen Wohlfühlplatz und mache es dir mit Kissen und Decken gemütlich. Schalte dein Handy aus und sorge dafür, dass du nicht gestört wirst.

Falls du Psychopharmaka oder andere Medikamente nimmst oder ernsthafte Herzprobleme hast, teile uns das UNBEDINGT mit. Wir besprechen dann mit dir, ob Ritual Cacao für dich geeignet ist.

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