Power Animal | AUDIO

Power Animal | AUDIO

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The length of the ritual is 30 minutes.

"Power animal journey" ritual with Leni

Embark on an inner journey with the support of cacao and meet your power animal.

A power animal is a symbolic, real or imaginary animal that is viewed in shamanism as a source of strength, an advisory companion.

It doesn't matter whether you already know your power animal or not, sometimes it changes depending on the phase of life, look forward to the message it has to give you today and let it inspire you. The wisdom of your subconscious can speak through your power animal, because you experience it not only through words, but especially through the qualities that your power animal brings with it, embodies and gives to you. It will also support you in everyday life with its qualities.

This meditation will also help you to understand in which area of ​​your life you can best use these qualities at the moment. And it gives you opportunities to heal through integrating the powers and inner wisdom of your power animal.

Es wird empfohlen 3 Stunden vor dem Cacao Ritual nicht mehr zu essen und am Tag des Rituals keinen Kaffee zu sich zu nehmen. Suche dir dann deinen Wohlfühlplatz und mache es dir mit Kissen und Decken gemütlich. Schalte dein Handy aus und sorge dafür, dass du nicht gestört wirst.

Falls du Psychopharmaka oder andere Medikamente nimmst oder ernsthafte Herzprobleme hast, teile uns das UNBEDINGT mit. Wir besprechen dann mit dir, ob Ritual Cacao für dich geeignet ist.

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