Tantric Woman | Videos
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The length of both videos is approx. 60 minutes each.
Tantric Woman (Introduction) with Leni
In the first video we will open and expand access to your inner and outer goddess together.
We will stretch our consciousness within ourselves to take our place on the outside with openness and strength.
- What is the difference between white, red and black tantra?
- Am I aware of my wishes and longings?
- Is my Shiva and Shakti energy in harmony?
- How can I integrate Tantra into my everyday life?
These and other questions will be answered for you in the course of the course.
With the help of Tantra you can get your energy flowing again and align yourself. The more clearly you are aligned within yourself, the more your relationships on the outside will adapt. All the more you will draw people into your life who match what you are sending out. Above all, you will find your way back to your natural source of joie de vivre.
Ritual Cacao helps to look deep into us and to perceive a high level of energy and relaxation at the same time. Exactly the state that is also described in various tantra teachings.
- What is tantra?
- Visualization Exercise & Journaling
- Time to make your cacao
- Cacao ritual and inner journey
Tantric Woman Part 2 with Leni
In the second video we deepen the journey together. I will give you valuable input on the so-called Wheel of Consent. This is a model created by American bodyworker Dr. Betty Martin was developed. Among other things, it supports you in bringing more clarity to your connections and in acquiring new communication skills.
- What is the difference between a giving touch and a taking touch?
- Why is setting boundaries so important in tantra?
- How conscious am I of my intentions/motivation when touching someone?
- How can the Wheel of Consent serve me in my sex and everyday life?
When your head is fed with new exciting information, we move on to the ritual part. The Cacao Spirit accompanies you in the connection to your heart and your yoni. You will realize how much information is stored in you and how you retrieve it.
It's about getting to know you a little closer and maybe in a different way. Let yourself be surprised by the gifts and power that cacao medicine and tantric work bring to light in you.
- Introduction to the Wheel of Consent
- PAUSE and time to make your cacao
- Cacao ritual
- Heart Belly Yoni Meditation
Es wird empfohlen 3 Stunden vor dem Cacao Ritual nicht mehr zu essen und am Tag des Rituals keinen Kaffee zu sich zu nehmen. Suche dir dann deinen Wohlfühlplatz und mache es dir mit Kissen und Decken gemütlich. Schalte dein Handy aus und sorge dafür, dass du nicht gestört wirst.
Falls du Psychopharmaka oder andere Medikamente nimmst oder ernsthafte Herzprobleme hast, teile uns das UNBEDINGT mit. Wir besprechen dann mit dir, ob Ritual Cacao für dich geeignet ist.
Hier sind weitere Antworten auf häufige Fragen.
Als Veranstalter sind wir dazu verpflichtet, dir den folgenden Hinweis zu geben: Deine Teilnahme an diesem Video Ritual erfolgt freiwillig, auf eigene Gefahr und auf eigenes Risiko. Dabei verzichtest du hiermit ausdrücklich auf sämtliche Ansprüche – gleich welcher Art – gegenüber den Veranstaltern, Verletzungen oder Folgeschädigungen, die im Zusammenhang mit deiner Teilnahme eintreten könnten.