Hypnobreathing | Video
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The length of the ritual is 85 minutes.
Hypnobreathing with Bernhard & Leni
This ritual brings you into a wonderful connection to yourself through the powerful combination of cacao & HypnoBreathing®.
With the help of cacao medicine we open our body and mind. The substance theobromine contained in cacao dilates your blood vessels so that more oxygen can flow through your entire system. This opening, which also has a positive effect on your well-being, is deepened in the second part of the ritual. There you breathe yourself into a trance state bit by bit. In conjunction with music and positive suggestions, Bernhard Tewes will guide you into deep relaxation.
The wise yogis also teach: Conscious breathing is a way to go into a trance very easily. Our life is a repetition of inhalation and exhalation. When we change this pattern, we change the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood. After a short time, your subconscious will be open to new thoughts and behavioral suggestions.
With HypnoBreathing it is possible to go into deep emotional processes, dissolve blockages, manifest your dreams and accept positive suggestions.
- Introduction & Explanation
- Cacao ritual
- HypnoBreathing® with Bernhard Tewes (hypnotherapist)
- closing
More about our guest
Bernhard Tewes
Bernhard is the founder of the Kiez Hypnose & HypnoBox app. He is an alternative practitioner for psychotherapy and has various training courses in hypnotherapy and hypnoanalysis.
As a former event manager and trained event manager, Bernhard knows the everyday stress, the pressure to perform and the demands of everyday life very well. It is therefore particularly important to him to offer an effective concept against stress, fears and blockages.
Known for innovative hypnosis methods, Bernhard released the HypnoBox ➚ in 2017 - the most comprehensive self-hypnosis app in the world! You can find more information about Bernhard and his projects here ➚.
Es wird empfohlen 3 Stunden vor dem Cacao Ritual nicht mehr zu essen und am Tag des Rituals keinen Kaffee zu sich zu nehmen. Suche dir dann deinen Wohlfühlplatz und mache es dir mit Kissen und Decken gemütlich. Schalte dein Handy aus und sorge dafür, dass du nicht gestört wirst.
Falls du Psychopharmaka oder andere Medikamente nimmst oder ernsthafte Herzprobleme hast, teile uns das UNBEDINGT mit. Wir besprechen dann mit dir, ob Ritual Cacao für dich geeignet ist.
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